Party Wall Expert Surveyors London
Request Quotation Form
Covering London & All of the South East
For a fast quote normally within minutes, but always the
same day simply email us at please include:
Your name. Mobile number. Postcode, and type of service
required example Party wall services for two adjoining owner's for a rear extension.
Or fill out the Request Quotation Form
Or text the information above to Duty Surveyor 07764
Or call the Office on 0207 1180 039 or 0207 118
Principle Surveyors Darren Adams BSc (Hons)
and Jon Hicks BSc (Hons) 35 Years
Massive Savings email Darren now on:
Either Working as:
1. The Adjoining Owner's Surveyor free of charge.
2. Or Working as the Building Owner's Surveyor fixed prices below.
3. Or Working as the Agreed Surveyor Low fixed price packages below.
If you are served with a notice, you should consult an experienced Party Wall Surveyor immediately to resolve any issues developing
between neighbours. At this early stage its crucial to ensuring the process runs smoothly, and the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (the Act) provides a framework to achieve this goal.
Approximately 30% of Surveyors are practising without degree level education never having attended University, but instead have
undertaken a three day training course offered by trade associations. Indeed, many without professional Indemnity Insurance being unable to secure such cover due to absence of
If you appoint us as your Surveyor, we will:
1. Accept the appointment and under no
circumstances will we charge you a fee working as the Adjoining Owner's Surveyor.
2. As qualified Structural Surveyors we
will check all drawings and calculations in detail.
3. Deal with your neighbours Surveyor
firmly so no advantage is taken from you this is essential as many Surveyors try to short cut complex matters.
4. Ensure the Party Wall Award is drafted
for your protection to include defined working hours and methodology, safely and insurance elements and full accountability.
5. Require the Building Owner's
contractor to carry out the development is a safe and approved manner.
6. Ensure your neighbour does not try to
project foundations on your land or over sail your land in any way to include soffits and facias.
7. Only charge the Building Owner a
reasonable fee thus maintaining neighbourly relationships. Many Surveyors see an Adjoining Owner's appointment as an opportunity to over charge and many Party Wall ambulance chasers do just
8. Attend site as required to safeguard your interests.
9. Provide full support during the building stages of the development.
10. Always be available when required providing the individual Surveyors mobile contact details to contact as required free
of charge.
If you wish to appoint us as your Surveyor (Adjoining Owner's Surveyor) free of
any charge just complete
Request Quotation
Form and we will do the rest.
Working as the Building
Owner's Surveyor
As Party Wall surveyors are ready to guide you through the ins and outs of the Act.
We specialise in the Act, and are on hand to offer clear
impartial advice and guidance specific to your needs.
If you are planning to carry out works you must serve a notice
upon your neighbours, we will help you through the process from start to finish.
We will make sure you are equipped with the right knowledge to
move on to the next step.
If you have received a notice from a neighbour and need some
advice, our expert team can answer any questions you may have related to the Act, what your rights are and where you stand. It is important to have professional advice when you need it
A Party Wall Award is a legally binding
document drafted by a Party Wall Surveyor. A Building Owner cannot act as his own Surveyor even if he has suitable qualifications the Act does not allow that involvement. The Award sets out the
rights and responsibilities of the Building Owner instigating the development works.
The Party Wall Surveyor can act as an “Agreed” Surveyor for all parties or as the
Building Owners Surveyor working with the Adjoining Owner's Surveyor to jointly agreed the Award. The Award describes the works to be carried out that relate to notifiable works under the
The Award sets out the timing and manner of the proposed works and can include drawings, method statements, structural calculations,
details of loadings or excavations.
The Act provides, the Building Owner is responsible to make good any damage caused by his contractors to the Adjoining Owner's property.
This can be a sum of money determined by the Surveyor of being allowed to make good the damage himself.
Although not even mentioned in the Act it is best practice to include a schedule of condition of the Adjoining Owner's property in the
Award. This document describes the current condition of the Party wall before works commence and is accompanied by digital images of any relevant areas.
The schedule of condition then acts as a point of reference if notifiable works cause
damage to the Adjoining Owners property.
Because the Award is a legal document, we recommend the Award is stored in a safe place ideally with the title Deeds of the property. The
Award is both a useful reference to the works undertaken, and some Awards provide permission for future works to be financially accountable as well as identifying which ownership instigated them.
A retrospective Award can only be served if no notices for notifiable works have been served under the Act and in the event damage has
been caused to the Adjoining Owner's property.
Transparent Pricing
Our unbeatable fees for Party Wall Surveyor appointments are
£49.00 + VAT Per Notice.
£400.00 + VAT Per Schedule of Condition (alone, discounts for
£395.00 + VAT Per Award. Without a Schedule of
For a written formal quotation normally in minutes Click Here.
Working as the "Agreed Surveyor" our fees are from:
include Notice, Schedule of condition and Award.
One Adjoining Owner
£695.00 + VAT
Two Adjoining Owners
£995.00 + VAT
Three Adjoining Owners £1195.00
Four Adjoining Owners
£1495.00 + VAT
These prices are for any project large or small and include all
Notices, Surveys and Awards.
There are no extras. But exclude basements.
All undertaken by professionally qualified and insured Party Wall
Dissents to notices are costed at £200.00 + VAT Each.
50% Deposit by bank transfer.
50% on completion by bank transfer only.
Request Quotation Form
Party Wall Guidance Party Wall Notice Party Wall Dispute Schedule of Condition Party Fence
Wall Party Wall Award 3 Metre Excavations Failure to Serve Notice Can Neighbour Refuse a Notice Shared Chimney Stack Party Wall Matters Damage to Adjoining Owners Property Licence to